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September 08, 2004 - 9:51 pm

I was excited, I will admit. That first day, the constant click of the shutter, the goofy expressions over coffee and ham sandwiches. We had a blast you and I. A friends first date.

Now it's gone sour. We don't see, we don't speak. We wander as though the other doesn't exist.

My first impression of you was that you were way beyond your years. Intelligent and mature for 21. As I got to know you more, as you opened your mouth and let the truth slip I lost the respect I had for you and held my back up. You are not as intelligent or mature as I had thought.

And now I'm left feeling as though I have done something wrong when that couldn't be farther from the truth. You are moody and allow everyone around you to suffer. You speak when you want to and then expect others to fall all over you when you're having a good day.

I refuse to be used for my ride or any thing else for that matter. I am not your chauffer or a convenience for you when you want me.

You are starting to realize what you have done but it's too late. No waves of hello or small talk can fix the problem you have created.

You might've had the power back in BC, the friends you left behind might have taken what you delt out but don't you dare expect me to.

I am stronger than I look.

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